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Re: BerkeleyLUG meetup this Sunday 2018-04-08 at 85c Bakery

From: goossbears <acohen36@gmail.com>
Subject: BerkeleyLUG meetup this Sunday 2018-04-08 at 85c Bakery
Date: Thu, 5 Apr 2018 16:13:13 -0700 (PDT)

Timely reminder here that the first BerkeleyLUG
meetup of the month is this upcoming Sunday, April 8th,
"officially" from 12Noon to 3:00pm PDT at 85c Bakery,
www.85cbakerycafe.com. Unofficially, some of the
regular BerkeleyLUG participants have remained at
85C Bakery working on their projects well past 3:00pm.

Well, among others, I've seen BerkeleyLUG.com, BUUG.org, and BALUG.org,
all, at least *occasionally* have hangers on well past the official meeting
end time - some of them even moving to other venues beyond closing time of
the meeting venue.  But much more commonly, for BerkeleyLUG,
most attendees are there within the official noon-3pm time range, and most
commonly few if any arrive significantly early (though sometimes that also
happens), and as for beyond meeting official end time, typically
significantly to well below the peak attendance within the official meeting
time range.

And ... when does BerkeelyLUG (and similarly for others) have fairly
significant number/percentage of hangers-on for well past official meeting
end time?  I've seemed to notice it quite depends what person's show up
and with what discussions/projects ... sometimes there seems enough interest
in the person(s), conversation(s)/topic(s) ... or where applicable,
project(s), that things carry on quite a bit past official meeting end
time.  So yes, ... sometimes it happens, and I think I've seen it happen
a couple or more times in the past several months or so ... thinking
BerkeleyLUG specifically.

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