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Re: AC Power, Wi-Fi but not from venue itself: Re: BerkeleyLUG meetup this Sunday 2018-11-11 12Noon STANDARD Time at 85C Bakery

Quoting Michael Paoli (Michael.Paoli@cal.berkeley.edu):

> Have had 4 of us here so far ...

But also, now, two fewer, followingthe latest round of John Regan aka
Giovanni aka whatever-it-is-this-week misconduct right there at the
BerkeleyLUG table.

I've had a near-contemporaneous account of what happened.  Sadly, I had
a conflicting obligation in Milpitas, otherwise I most certainly would
have brought a screeching halt to this nonsense.  Honestly, hasn't John
wrecked enough BerkeleyLUG meetings already, or do y'all intend to keep
just sitting there and only reacting long after the fact, and with little
or no consequence?

What I heard happening was:  John Regan walked in and saw three women
sitting at the table BerkeleyLUG traditionally uses.  He started
hassling the women and telling them they had to move because this is a
reserved table.  Michael Paoli reminded John that no, this is not a
reserved table and never is one, nor are any of the others downstairs.
John ignored Michael, continued to give the women a hard time, and
advised them that he was finding them another table.  Kim Davalos spoke
up to reiterate what Michael P. said, that _no_, this is not a reserved
table.  John told the women that they should ignore Kim because she
arrived late.  After being thus browbeaten, the women finally got up and
moved elsewhere.

After the fact, 85c Bakery management confirmed exactly what Michael and
Kim had said, and were informed of the repeatedly and continually
misbehaving person who evidently needs stronger social control so he 
can no longer run amok at BerkeleyLUG.  Arrangements were made with the
manager in the future for them to step in sooner the next time this
person cannot behave in a civilised fashion to require him to
immediately leave.

Today's incident, like many of the others John has inflicted on
BerkeleyLUG this year, are in my view simply disgraceful and should be
curbed instantly rather than induluged.  Already, the _immediate_ 
result of today's incident was that two regulars, disgusted with 
the failure to enforce obvious standards of acceptable behaviour, walked
out and went elsewhere.

I've privately warned after past incidents that permitting this loon to
run amok at BerkeleyLUG is quite likely to destroy the group if proper
corrective action is not taken.  Today, I'm reiterating that warning

You already know what to do.  End this.  Next time, stop sitting on your
tochises, get up, and do it.  Seriously, people, this isn't even
difficult to figure out.  (See also .signature.)

Cheers,              "I am a member of a civilization (IAAMOAC).  Step back
Rick Moen            from anger.  Study how awful our ancestors had it, yet
rick@linuxmafia.com  they struggled to get you here.  Repay them by appreciating
McQ! (4x80)          the civilization you inherited."           -- David Brin

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