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Re: Multiple of us here already, have space, AC Power & Internet*: Re: BerkeleyLUG meetup this Sunday 2019-08-25 at Cafe Blue Door

On Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 10:53 AM Michael Paoli <Michael.Paoli@cal.berkeley.edu> wrote:
Multiple of us here already, have space, AC Power & Internet*
*Well, IPv4, no IPv6.

$ wget -q -O - https://www.ipv4.balug.org/myip https://www.ipv6.balug.org/myip

Yeah, another Sunday when am unable to attend the BerkeleyLUG meetup :-(
And given that first-of-the-month Sundays have always seemed to be pre-occupied with multiple tasks to accomplish (at least for myself), will also have to pass on the BerkeleyLUG First Sunday Pi days as well, from now through at least most of the Fall season.

In any case, hope that today's meetup goes well :-)

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