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Re: space, power, Wi-Fi* ...: Re: BerkeleyLUG meetup this Sunday 2019-12-08 at Cafe Blue Door

On Sun, Dec 8, 2019 at 11:25 AM Michael Paoli <Michael.Paoli@cal.berkeley.edu> wrote:
space, power, Wi-Fi*:
Ample space for us thus far (big table),
have AC power, Wi-Fi* & Internet*
*have IPv4 Internet access.  Do also have another access point or two
where IPv6 is also available.
$ TZ=GMT0 date -Iseconds && wget -q -O - 
https://www.ipv4.balug.org/myip https://www.ipv6.balug.org/myip

Am "under the weather" today, so won't be able to attend today's BerkeleyLUG meetup :-(
Need liquids and more extra sleep.

All the above is great, though :-)

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