I went by Cafe Blue Door today at noon, so we should be good to go. (Alternate site would be Romeo's Coffee on Telegraph + Dwight)
I have been playing around with an ESP32CAM. (I got 2 for $18 at Amazon) The esp32 and the earlier esp8366 are small wifi+Bt boards which are actually microcontrollers. So
they can run arduino code.
The one I got has a built in camera port and can do camera streams. I connected to arduino ide and added the esp board descriptions. Unlike other arduino boards this one doesn't have builtin USB so you have to hook it up to a serial cable (so it is very small - about the size of a car remote.)
Took a while but I got it working today. First issue was the board requires shorting some pins to get into program mode. With that figured out and code uploaded. But didn't work and I guessed it was because the USB serial cable wasn't supplying enough power.
Picked up some RaspPi power supplies from Fry's (still open but barely) And now it works:
Next to do is configure it to AP mode so that it can stream standalone (without connecting to external WIFI)