The weekend of Feb 29th is the 8th anniversary of the Raspberry Pi computer.
So our meeting on March 1st will be part of that celebration. It is already accepted
space. But I may add tickets or instruct people to message me before attending.
so XL and M up for grabs), Raspberry Pi logo stickers, one Raspberry Jam button,
Event poster, blinking led project cards with 5 little hardware kits (breadboard, jumper
wires and leds - No Pi, It is BYoPi, I guess) and a USB drive with project tutorials
(one of which is how to build a WordPress site on a PI, Argh!)
Also my friend, Phil, is confirmed. I asked if he could talk about some Pi projects. He
has used the Pi to control heating and cooling, and other things. Should be interesting.
Phil's background: He is a long time Linux user. Has worked as Linux Sys Admin, but now
I think he is doing product development. He has done some embedded Linux recently.
The company he works at is a server hardware firm that designs machines that drive
walls of monitors like you would see in a "mission control center"
He is a long-time "Maker" he used to design and build his own recumbent bicycles.
Welding and machining and all that.
If you would like show off something or give a talk (or know of someone) let me know.
Hope to see you there,