Sunday Aug 16 2020 from 11am to ?
Note the URL. Regular BerkeleyLUG meetings use the room BerkeleyLUG and the Pi meetings are at Pi.BerkeleyLUG.
So I got an email recently about the ESP32-cam. So this Sunday I'll start with that.
The ESP32 is a wifi/bluetooth chip which is powerful enough to be a microcontroller
and so you can program it with the Arduino IDE.
The ESP32-cam is one of these boards with extra ram and camera port. Board is tiny
1in by 1.5in.
I just got a 5 pack of them and we'll see if I can get one going .
Also I got some STM32 microcontrollers. These are actually ARM but can run Arduino.
The reason I'm interested is they have a lot of inputs. I want to have one run a keyboard.
A keyboard matrix is like 8x16 so that means 24 input/output pins.
So If I have some time I'll start on that.