Even though we can get haircuts now Linux meetings are still virtual.
I saw a news item recently of a Covid outbreak in a gym.
Seems distancing and cleaning were not enough.
Heavy breathing in a closed space is high risk.
I have been patronising an illegal Cafe in Berkeley, and it didn't seem that risky.
Only like 5 people there and the same 5 at that. But last weekend quite a bit more.
People quietly studying means low velocity breathes but it is still a closed space.
I can't imagine taking an airplane in these times. Coworkers have done it . For me
even with barely any passengers, just the closed space seems too much.
So we will just keep at it.
Personal projects for the meeting:
Raspberry Pi 4 8GB edition. I have a thought to run a Pcie extender off the
USB 3 port. This is a hardware hack that involves replacing the USB 3 controller
chip. I have a hot air smd rework station. I don't have a lot of experience but I think
it is doable.
Amazon price) Just came this week. Not fired up yet. So maybe I can try this Sunday.
Fits in the palm of your hand (Yeah part of my thumb is missing. It's been almost 20 years
and doesn't hurt anymore)
Esp32-Cam: Last time I noticed that the ESP32 has face detection. So now I'm thinking
of using the gpio to control a servo. Like have the camera follow a face or even better
aim a nerf dart.
Meeting Details:
11 am to ?