Still available: couple Pi Zero w and Pi Pico microcontroller.
Let me know if you are interested. I can deliver same day to Berk/Oakland area.
Farther out may take me longer.
OK so last Berkeley meeting I played around with rtl-sdr. Which is a USB
Software Defined Radio. I tuned it to the ADS-B signals that airplanes use to
broadcast their positions. It picked up many many planes before I stopped it.
There is a plane tracking website called
flightaware.com and they sell a branded
rtl-sdr dongle and also offer a custom OS for the Pi called PiAware (and they are
happy to have any data you share -- I think they in turn share data with you too.)
I just grabbed this now:
CRC: 000000
RSSI: -18.4 dBFS
Score: 1800
Time: 8149485.75us
DF:17 AA:A7DA54 CA:5 ME:990C6220B0F401
Extended Squitter Airborne velocity over ground, subsonic (19/1)
ICAO Address: A7DA54 (Mode S / ADS-B)
Air/Ground: airborne
GNSS delta: 0 ft
Heading: 341
Speed: 277 kt groundspeed
Vertical rate: 3840 ft/min GNSS
CRC: 000000
RSSI: -18.2 dBFS
Score: 1800
Time: 8219187.42us
DF:17 AA:A7DA54 CA:5 ME:582B8135D80C0F
Extended Squitter Airborne position (barometric altitude) (11)
ICAO Address: A7DA54 (Mode S / ADS-B)
Air/Ground: airborne
Altitude: 7600 ft barometric
CPR type: Airborne
CPR odd flag: even
CPR latitude: 37.81549 (39660)
CPR longitude: -122.37279 (3087)
CPR decoding: global
I looked up the ID (A7DA54) and that happens to be a FedEX plane
tail number
Sep 1992
And there was another packet that had the flight number FDX195 which turns out to be OAK to ANC Anchorage Alaska
I think that is interesting but my aim was to grab data from some wireless temperature sensors.
There is a program in Linux rtl_433 and it picks up my 433Mhz sensor pretty well. But I
have some 915 Mhz LaCrosse sensors that aren't supported yet. It can grab the raw data:
time : 2021-03-16 21:31:01
model : name count : 1 num_rows : 1
rows :
len : 387 data : 555555555555555a5545ba866b12a1c46406a6ba5a5a5a5a4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
codes : {387}555555555555555a5545ba866b12a1c46406a6ba5a5a5a5a4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
time : 2021-03-16 21:31:51
model : name count : 1 num_rows : 1
rows :
len : 386 data : 555555555555555a5545ba866b12a0046406a41a5a5a5a5a4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
codes : {386}555555555555555a5545ba866b12a0046406a41a5a5a5a5a4000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
These get repeated every minute. They are almost the same. Just 10 characters in the middle change. So I am thinking there must be a sensor id then temp and humidity, some empty fields for like windspeed which the sensors don't measure and finally a checksum.
It also picked up this:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
time : 2021-03-16 21:31:51
model : ESIC-EMT7110 Sensor ID : 33589500
Power : 4496.0 W Current : 13.600 A Voltage : 233.0 V
Energy : 48.18 kWh Pairing? : 0 Connected?: 0
Integrity : CHECKSUM