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Crazy idea for Jitsi meetings

So I am wondering if you could use the Jitsi chat to send commands.  

The idea being you can interact with something you see in one of the video feeds.  
So on the remote end there is a server that is monitoring the chat and when there 
is a special message it will execute some code.  

Specifically I have a pan/tilt camera and I thought to connect it to a Jitsi meet. 
Then a person in chat could say: 

@camerabot right 

and the camera controller: 

v4l2-ctl  -c pan_speed=-1 && sleep .1 && v4l2-ctl  -c pan_speed=0

which rotates about 10 degrees (camera has less than 180 degree range)  

Maybe this is not easy to do.  I don't know much about web server stuff and programming.  


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