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script to turn off fans for a "short time" Re: Ideas requested

From: "Alan Davis" <alan3davis@gmail.com>
Subject: Ideas requested
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2022 17:17:53 -0700
First idea:
Sorry if it's an old repeat, but it's still highly relevant.
Subject of "Ideas wanted" in a sea of email, reads more like spam than not.
Whereas "script to turn off fans for a short time" - not so likely to
be presumed/guessed to be spam - at least in context of
Linux User Group or the like.

Hello, BLUG folk:
BerkeleyLug.com, not BLUG - there's tons 'o BLUG out there, none of which
is BerkeleyLUG.

I know I have not been around much.  Not because I don't enjoy both reading
the chatter or the meetings, which I especially have enjoyed in the past.
I hope to attend in person at some point, perhaps in July/August when my
family will be on vacation.  Jitsi has evaded me, the few times I've tried;
and also, the hours and my situation are not helpful.

Ok, here's my question.  I have posted it to the Manjaro GNU/Linux
Reddit... and immediately after doing so, it dawned on me that if anyone
can answer this, it MIGHT be some of the tech savvy BLUG folk.  Here's my

Alan Davis

================ %< ==================
I need a script to turn off fans for a "short time"
My microscope camera is sensitive to the vibrations from the nearby CPU.
Vibrations---even road vibrations from the Freeway nearby---can cause the
image to be blurry. I can see them using a screen magnifier set to 7 to
20X, as dancing of the edges of the image.

I would like to be able to shut down the fans for a short time. I trigger
the camera through the application Entangle, using a foot pedal. I know
there's a way to integrate the needed functionality through probably a
script, but I don't yet understand the workings of the various monitoring
and control bits.

Is this possible? A couple of ideas:


   Turn off when the camera is triggered (no good: too much lag)

   Turn off the fans with the first stomp of the foot pedal, then take a
   snapshot with the succeeding few foot stomps, up to a maximum safe length
   of time.

This seems like a convoluted process, but it should be possible. Can anyone
suggest a way to get started?
sh(1), sleep(1)

E.g., if we have fon for our fan on command and foof for our fan off command,
or just substitute accordingly:
foff; sleep _some_number_of_seconds_; fon
Can background the whole thing / run it asynchronously if desired, e.g.:
{ foff; sleep _some_number_of_seconds_; fon; } &
or in a script file, just launch it in background so you don't have to wait
for it to complete.

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