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BALUG: meeting TOMORROW!: Tu 2024-06-18 & other BALUG News
- To: "Berkeley Linux Users Group (BerkeleyLUG)" <berkeleylug@googlegroups.com>
- Subject: BALUG: meeting TOMORROW!: Tu 2024-06-18 & other BALUG News
- From: "'Michael Paoli' via BerkeleyLUG" <berkeleylug@googlegroups.com>
- Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2024 16:08:44 -0700
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- Reply-to: Michael Paoli <michael.paoli@berkeley.edu>
BALUG: meeting TOMORROW!: Tu 2024-06-18 & other BALUG News
items, details further below:
BALUG: meeting TODAY!: Tu 2024-06-18 & other BALUG News
giveaways (& wanted), hardware, CDs/DVDs, books/publications, ...
help BALUG! :-) - volunteering, venue, ...
For our 2024-06-18 (3rd Tuesdays) BALUG meeting, we have:
Don't have specific speaker/presentation lined up for this meeting at
least at the time of this update, but that doesn't prevent us from
having interesting and exciting conversations! Sometimes we even come
up with a speaker/presentation at the last minute. Or, of course,
always feel free to bring questions/topics you may want to ask about or
have discussed.
6:00pm Tuesday, June 18th, 2024 2024-06-18
https://meet.jit.si/BALUG.org Dial-in numbers also available at the
Please use earbud(s)/headphone(s) or mute yourself to avoid audio
feedback issues, also please if you have background sound/noise
issues mute yourself when not talking.
Generally works quite fine with reasonably modern Firefox
Chrome/Chromium, Microsoft Edge, possibly others (requires WebRTC
(Wikipedia: WebRTC https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebRTC)
(can also do some testing here: https://test.webrtc.org/ Probably
don't worry about minor items like "Reflexive connectivity" )), from
desktop, laptop, tablet, smart phone, etc.
Henry's Hunan Restaurant
110 Natoma St. (between 2nd & New Montgomery)
San Francisco, CA 94105-3704
https://www.hhunan.com/ https://www.hhunannatoma.com/
Delicious Hunan cuisine and reasonably priced.
Easy Transit/Parking Access: short walk from BART, MUNI, parking
Trip planning: http://www.511.org/
Meeting Details...
The meetings are always free, but dinner is not (unless you are our
guest speaker, in which case we also treat you to dinner). For
Henry's Hunan Restaurant, if folks are agreeable, we'll share and
dine "family" style, and split up the costs, and typical cost per
person including tax and tip (but not including beverages beyond
complementary tea) would be in the $15.00 to $31.00 range, and
commonly around $18.00 to $27.00. Cash preferred to ease splitting
up the check. One can also specifically order the dish(es) one
needs/prefers (e.g. for dietary considerations) - and we also
commonly order some dish(es) that may meet various dietary
considerations) (e.g. vegetarian, non-pork, ...). Punctual arrival
recommended for optimal dining experience, as we expect to be
ordering at that time.
At approximately 7:00 P.M. we start our presentation/talk, or more
informal talk/discussion if we don't have a particularly
presentation/talk/presenter or special guest arranged.
giveaways (& wanted), hardware, CDs/DVDs, books/publications, ...
We often have various giveaway items at BALUG meetings.
Hardware, etc. wanted/offered!
Got some (computer, etc.) hardware, etc. you're looking to acquire or
give away (or if not free, well below current fair market value),
and locally? We have a wiki page to list that - so ... see what's
offered, wanted, etc.!
CDs/DVDs/ISOs, etc. - have a look here:
See URL for details. If you're interested in anything in particular,
best to request such reasonably in advance (may not schlep the
inventory or portion(s) thereof, or have some particular ISO burned and
available in quantity >0 if it's not requested in advance).
Donations of USB flash, blank or +-RW media, or funding thereof,
also appreciated.
Books and other titles!
have a peek here:
help BALUG! :-) - volunteering, venue ...
You can do useful and cool stuff volunteering to help BALUG.
Quite a variety of opportunities to help BALUG. Come talk to us at a
meeting and/or drop us a note at: balug-contact@balug.org
These opportunities may include, among other possibilities:
o assist or lead on speaker coordination/procurement, etc.
o venue arrangement (e.g. followup on potential leads,
on-site coordination/preparations)
o chief/assistant cat herder
o assist on publicity
o Linux Systems Administration (e.g. do/assist/learn, with/under some
quite experienced and skilled Linux systems administrator(s)).
o webmaster, assistant webmaster, designer, graphic artist
o archivist/history/retrieval/etc.
o and other various/miscellaneous tasks BALUG would like to be doing
(also feel free to suggest ideas!)
Feedback on our publicity/announcements (e.g. contacts or lists where we
should get our information out that we're not presently reaching, or
things we should do differently): publicity-feedback@balug.org
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