Both the virtual and in-person physical meetups start at 11:00am PDT this Sunday, July 28th and go to 2:00pm or however late people want to participate.
The physical meetup will be at SoDoI Coffee Tasting House
2438 Durant Ave.
Berkeley, CA 94704-1611
This Sunday, will likely continue installing+configuring non-systemd Linux distro guests w/in VirtualBox.
Just about 11:00am now, and will yet again be late to the physical meetup will be at SoDoI Coffee Tasting House.
Have been busy this morning not only with "installing+configuring non-systemd Linux distro guests w/in VirtualBox" but also upgrading a yes-systemd Linux Mint 21.3 VirtualBox machine to the new Mint 22 release using 'mintupgrade' as per the distro maintainer's