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Re: BerkeleyLUG meetup this Sunday 2024-08-11

On Sun, Aug 11, 2024 at 11:40 AM Thomas Lopes <tomrlopes@gmail.com> wrote:

On my way.
I have a Chromebook that I want to put Ubuntu on. It's a 2 in one. Let's see how it works in tablet mode.

Cannot make it to SoDoI today, but am online at the Jit.si Meet for at least another hour (~12:45pm now.)

Hey all,
Timely reminder here of the first Berkeley Linux User Group meetup of the month.
Both the virtual and in-person physical meetups start at 11:00am PDT this Sunday, August 11th and go to 2:00pm or however late people want to participate.
Please see the currently available meetup schedule at https://berkeleylug.com/meetings graciously provided by Michael P for further BerkeleyLUG meetup details.
Info of BerkeleyLUG's virtual meetup thru Jit.si Meet ...
Dial-in: +1.512.647.1431 PIN: 1036 1972 20#

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