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- From: "Toby DiPasquale" <codeslinger@gmail.com>
- To: philly-lambda@googlegroups.com
- Subject: Re: ledit
- Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 08:48:49 -0500
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- Sender: philly-lambda@googlegroups.com
On Jan 23, 2008 11:49 PM, Kyle R. Burton <kyle.burton@gmail.com> wrote:
> I first encountered it as part of the OCaml distribution. You should
> be able to find it in apt, and I think someone mentioned that it's
> available in mac portage.
> http://pauillac.inria.fr/~ddr/ledit/
> It's not quite as useful as Emacs shell modes (or one of the inferior
> modes) since it has no idea about the syntax of the thing it's
> wrapping around, and you can't search backwards either (or both) your
> history or the previous output, but if you're not an Emacs user or
> just want to wrap something simply on the shell then it'll might just
> work for you.
Sounds pretty cool!
> Big thanks for the talk, it was interesting and informative. It was
> great to meet everyone.
Big up to Aaron for lending us his space for the meeting and thanks to
everyone who came out. I enjoyed presenting and I hope everyone found
it to be enjoyable, as well. :)
Toby DiPasquale
- Follow-Ups:
- Re: ledit
- From: Mat Schaffer <schapht@gmail.com>
- References:
- ledit
- From: "Kyle R. Burton" <kyle.burton@gmail.com>