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Re: Aaron is pressuring me :)
- From: "John Claus" <johnclaus@gmail.com>
- To: philly-lambda@googlegroups.com
- Subject: Re: Aaron is pressuring me :)
- Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 00:12:34 -0400
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- Reply-to: philly-lambda@googlegroups.com
- Sender: philly-lambda@googlegroups.com
That sounds really cool, I'd be game!!
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 10:20 PM, Kyle R. Burton < kyle.burton@gmail.com> wrote:
Aaron and I were talking and since there is no planned meeting, and I
was thinking of giving a fuzzy string comparison talk at my day job,
would you guys be interested? Not exactly FP, but they were
interesting algorithms to me. I can give an overview of them, show
examples, and in some specific cases (edit distance and text-brew to
be exact) walk through how they actually work.
I put together a rough outline:
It only feels like it'd be a 30-60min talk, but that really depends on
how much discussion it is.
What is the level of interest in getting together again? Any other
presentation requests or offers?