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Re: Philly Lambda - RSVP - "Real World Common Lisp" Presentation on 9/22
- From: Jonathan Tran <jonnytran@gmail.com>
- To: philly-lambda@googlegroups.com
- Subject: Re: Philly Lambda - RSVP - "Real World Common Lisp" Presentation on 9/22
- Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 23:40:02 -0400
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I will be there. Looking forward to it!
On Sun, Sep 13, 2009 at 11:06 PM, Aaron Feng <aaron.feng@gmail.com> wrote:
> Philip Fominykh will be presenting at the next lambda presentation.
> He has 3 years of Common Lisp consulting experience and would like to
> share with us his experience. I would encourage people to come even
> if you are not familiar with Common Lisp as there are plenty of people
> in the group who are familiar enough to explain.
> Please RSVP if you plan to attend on 9/22. The meeting will start at
> 7pm and will be hosted at Algorithmics. As usual, please
> check in with the front desk by 6:45. Directions can be found at the
> group's meeting page:
> http://groups.google.com/group/philly-lambda/web/meetings
> Here is an excerpt from Philip:
> I'm going to talk about two uncommon aspects of common lisp: the
> assumption that the lisp image is always running, even during the
> development stage, and the ability to hide details behind layers of
> custom languages. I'll demonstrate how these two aspects influenced
> the design of the standard, and combined together make common lisp
> into a best choice for exploratory programming. The talk will have
> lots of demoes, but I'll try to make things obvious to people who
> don't have prior exposure to common lisp.
> Aaron