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Re: RSVP [Required] Philly Lambda January 25 Meeting
- From: snatchev <xsrevolt@gmail.com>
- To: Philly Lambda <philly-lambda@googlegroups.com>
- Subject: Re: RSVP [Required] Philly Lambda January 25 Meeting
- Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 08:25:04 -0800 (PST)
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Hello, I am new to this group but I would like to RSVP for this
workshop. Thanks!
- Stefan
On Jan 14, 11:53 am, Aaron Feng <aaron.f...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> Please RSVP by responding to this email if you intend on coming to the meeting.
> This month Dan Mead will be presenting a Haskell workshop. At the same
> time he will go over some practical usage of the language. Dan has
> used Haskell to perform data analysis. The workshop will last
> approximately an hour, so the second hour will be Haskell open mic. I
> know various people on the list have expressed interest in talking
> about Haskell. This is your chance! I figure each person receives a
> 20 min block, and we'll stay as long as people want to :)
> The meeting will be hosted at Algorithmics:
> 2929 Arch St, Suite 300
> Philadelphia 19104
> Please check in by 6:30 at the building security desk, so we can start
> the meeting at 7pm.
> Thanks,
> Aaron