Jonathan Bringhurst on 13 Mar 2010 09:04:50 -0800

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"Using Large-Scale Computing to Find Equilibrium Solutions in Game Theory" by Dr. John F. Nash

Sorry for the cross posting, but I thought this would be of interest
to a wide group of people in Philly (I found out about it from Walt
Mankowski's talks listserv).


Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2010 15:05:59 -0500
From: Dennis Mancl <Dennis.Mancl@ALCATEL-LUCENT.COM>
Subject: ACM Princeton Chapter

Upcoming Princeton ACM/ IEEE Computer Society Meetings and Events

Mar. 18 - "Using Large-Scale Computing to Find Equilibrium
  Solutions in Game Theory", Dr. John F. Nash, Princeton University



  Using Large-Scale Computing to Find Equilibrium Solutions in Game Theory
  John Nash, Princeton University

Equilibrium problems in game theory are very useful to the
understanding of economics and many other technical fields.  In
this talk, we will get an introduction to some computational
techniques using large scale computing and Mathematica to help
us find solutions to equilibrium problems.

Dr. John F. Nash is a Senior Research Mathematician at Princeton
University.  Nash received the 1994 Nobel Prize in Economics for
his work in equilibrium problems.

   Date: Thursday March 18, 2010, 8pm
   Place: Large Auditorium, Room CS 106, Computer Science Building,
     Olden and William Streets, Princeton University, Princeton NJ
   Information: Dennis Mancl (908) 582-7086, Jan Buzydlowski (610) 902-8343
   On-line info:

All ACM / IEEE-CS meetings are open to the public. Students and
their parents are welcome.  There is no admission charge.

Note: There will be no pre-meeting dinner this month.


Future Princeton ACM/ IEEE Computer Society Meetings

Apr. 15 - "The Foundations and Future of Information Search,"
  Andrea LaPaugh, Princeton University.


Trenton Computer Festival -- co-sponsored by Princeton ACM

 - Friday Apr. 23: Information Technology Professional Conference
 - Saturday Apr. 24 and Sunday Apr. 25: talks, forums, exhibits, vendors

Place: The College of New Jersey, 2000 Pennington Road, Ewing, NJ
Time: Friday 8:30am-5pm, Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 10am-4pm

Keynote talk: "Free Software, Free Society" (Saturday at 2:35pm)
Keynote speaker: Richard Stallman

TCF is looking for volunteers -- more info at: