Trotter Cashion on 13 May 2011 10:54:22 -0700

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Re: [Philly Lambda] May 25th meeting heads-up

So... Aaron's been bugging me for title and abstract for a while now. Let's call it "Massively parallel, massively fault tolerant". Abstract can be something like this:

Writing code is the easy part. Making sure your fancy code runs performantly in the hostile environment of the interwebs is another story. In this talk, I'll tell you about how Erlang/OTP (OTP stands for Open Telecom Platform) helps you take advantage of _all_ the cores on your machine while also helping you ensure your code _never_ falls down.

Does that talk sound interesting to everyone? Anything you like to know about regarding OTP instead?

- Trotter

On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 12:34 PM, Aaron Feng <> wrote:
Hi All,

This month Trotter will give a presentation on Erlang/OTP on the 25th.
 I will send out the official RSVP and meeting details early next

