import Control.Monad.Cont
add :: Int -> Int -> Int
add x y = x + y
square :: Int -> Int
square x = x * x
pythagoras :: Int -> Int -> Int
pythagoras x y = add (square x) (square y)
add_cont :: Int -> Int -> Cont r Int
add_cont x y = return (add x y)
square_cont :: Int -> Cont r Int
square_cont x = return (square x)
pythagoras_cont :: Int -> Int -> Cont r Int
pythagoras_cont x y =
do x_squared <- square_cont x
y_squared <- square_cont y
sum_of_squares <- add_cont x_squared y_squared
return sum_of_squares
main = runCont (pythagoras_cont 5 6) print
On Oct 19, 2011 3:34 PM, "Kyle R. Burton" <> wrote:
I took the liberty of writing a few examples in ruby (since it has
continuations) that I could walk through during the discussion if
people are interested:
I try to show a 'normal' linear program, then one that's run by a
controller (inversion of control), and finally one with a very small
framework using continuations that allow the program to 're-invert'
the IOC and look linear again. The fun thing is with that example you
can 'go back' w/o breaking the linearity of the code. Hopefully I can
explain it better in person.
On Tue, Oct 18, 2011 at 9:57 AM, Trevor Lalish-Menagh
<> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Don't forget that tomorrow night is Functional Fall. We will be
> reading "Continuation, functions and jumps."
> (
> As always there will be pizza and cola provided, and beer afterwards.
> Don't forget to RSVP at
> I hope to see you there!
> Yours,
> Trevor
> --
> Trevor Lalish-Menagh
> (484) 868-6150
Twitter: @kyleburton