Brian Donahue on 17 Jan 2012 13:11:22 -0800

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Re: [ANN] Bob "Uncle Bob" Martin's TDD/Refactoring Course

FOOT IN MOUTH, CROSS-POST FAIL. Extra apologies.  I forgot the link. My life in a nutshell!

On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 3:13 PM, Brian Donahue <> wrote:
(Cross-posting, because I think it's relevant to multiple groups. Apologies in advance to those receiving duplicates.)

Last year I reached out to Uncle Bob to see if he would hold a public course in Philly (his first in the U.S.), and he agreed to give it a shot.  If you aren't familiar with Bob, he is an original signee of the "Agile Manifesto" (when agile development methodology was "born"), and an incredibly experienced and talented programmer, teacher, and speaker.  He's written several popular programming books, including "Clean Code."

If you are interested in learning TDD and Refactoring from one of the best in the business, please check out this 3-day class, from Monday, Feb 20 through Wednesday Feb 22.  

The class is platform and language agnostic, he just requests that you bring a laptop with your development environment and test framework (XUnit, RSpec, etc) of your choice.  

Thanks - hope you get a chance to check it out!

- Brian Donahue (Philly ALT.NET User Group)