Aaron Mansheim on 24 Aug 2012 14:48:11 -0700

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this past talk about continuations, and the case against call/cc


I want to note briefly how this past talk about continuations may relate to this discussion about call/cc. I also want to give a summary of the talk before much more time goes by. Finally, I want to suggest some further reading that may be relevant to you and me.

I think in the July presentation "Continuations: Primitive, Practical, and Proof", the objects that I actually constructed were not continuations as such, but perhaps "thunks". I think that continuations are meant to be opaque to their user, whereas the objects that I constructed had a great deal of accessible structure. It was only a convention in my programs that those objects were treated as (more or less) opaque and so as continuations.

Furthermore I was using these objects as the input to and result from a transition function within a loop, which I believe constitutes a trampoline. I think a trampoline delimits the scope of continuations within it. After all, they have no relevance outside of the trampoline.

I just haven't studied enough yet to know the fine distinctions and formalizations for all of these related constructs. I'm looking forward to learning more.

Here is a quick review of what we covered on the evening of July 17, with links to the specific resources from which I drew inspiration and information.
I emailed Matt Might to ask what I might do to dig further into my interest in the topic of this talk. He graciously replied that I might want to read Olivier Danvy on transformational equivalences between abstract machines. I'm not exactly sure where to start on that, but taking that advice together with this discussion, perhaps I'll see what I can make of this:

Ma\lgorzata Biernacka, Dariusz Biernacki, and Olivier Danvy.
An Operational Foundation for Delimited Continuations in the CPS Hierarchy.

Aaron Mansheim

On Wed, 2012-08-22 at 20:55 -0400, Lalish-Menagh, Trevor wrote:
Hi all,

I thought that since we are all continuation junkies here, we might
find this interesting:

The article argues that call/cc is a bad core feature for a language
(if you are designing a language), and claims that it is even worse
that goto.

In any case, it is an interesting read.
