Spencer Russell on 30 Aug 2012 14:55:23 -0700

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Re: August Meeting

Do we just say we're with Philly Lambda at the front desk and they'll
direct us where to go, or should we know what floor?


On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 4:19 PM, Michael Bevilacqua-Linn
<michael.bevilacqualinn@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Folks,
> Come join us on the 30th of August, 6:30 at the Comcast Center.
> Angel Pizarro will be presenting an introduction to Julia, a language for
> technical computing with a functional flavor.  It plays in the same space
> that R plays in, but with a more, ah, familiar syntax.
> RSVP at the doodle poll here - http://doodle.com/qaw7sucushunqwya
> Thanks,