Erin Mulder on 11 Jan 2007 21:49:17 -0000

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[PhillyOnRails] Meeting tonight!

Just a reminder about tonight's meeting (details below).

It's never too late to RSVP, and feel free to keep sending in Ruby
Puzzlers as well.

See you there!


January 11th Meeting Announcement

When: Thursday, January 11, 2007

  7:00pm - E-Commerce in Rails (Flinn Mueller)
  7:45pm - Food, conversation, announcements, giveaways
  8:15pm - Ruby Puzzlers (see rules below)

  Fort Washington Hotel and Conference Center
  (This is the same hotel as usual, they're just not
   part of the Holiday Inn chain anymore)

Sponsor: Chariot Solutions ( )

RSVP: Please email me offlist to let me know whether you can make it so
that we can plan food and space.  This will, of course, get your name in
the hat for exciting giveaways.

Ruby Puzzler Rules:
 * Submit puzzling lines of Ruby code ahead of time by email
 * We'll put all the entries together in a slide deck for the meeting
 * For each puzzler, a prize will either go to the first person to
correctly decipher it, or to the person who submitted it if nobody can
figure it out

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