David Bogus on 1 Sep 2007 03:58:58 -0000 |
I haven't done multi-file upload in ruby myself, but you might want to take a look at MERB. The author wrote it, in part, because of not liking file up loads in rails. Dave http://brainspl.at/articles/2006/10/18/merb-is-useable-and-a-gem >From an example merb application http://svn.devjavu.com/merb/mrblog/trunk/dist/app/controllers/files.rb def upload FileUtils.mv params[:data][:tempfile].path, Merb::Server.config[:dist_root]+"/public/files/#{params[:data][:filename]}" render_no_layout end -- Dave's Definitions: Morning, is after I've slept for more than four hours. Lunch is the second meal of the day no matter the hour of consumption. A long drive is one longer then you have last slept. Ineffable, if you don't understand I couldn't possibly explain it. _______________________________________________ To unsubscribe or change your settings, visit: http://lists.phillyonrails.org/mailman/listinfo/talk