WALT_MANKOWSKI on Mon, 27 Dec 1999 11:05:19 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Monday night at Nodding Head?

BYOB to a brewpub?!?!

I think you generally can only BYOB to a place that doesn't serve
alcohol.  Chances are they'll be serving guest beers until their
brewing operation is up and running.  And I believe they'll
have a full bar in addition to the homemade beer.

  To:       phl@lists.pm.org     cc:                               

From:     Simply Hao <hao@netaxs.com>    Ext:      NA
Date:     12/27/99 10:46:58 AM
Subject:  Re: Monday night at Nodding Head?

> or not brewing their own beer yet

Are you allowed to BYOB?

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