Alex Barilo on Mon, 27 Dec 1999 15:59:15 -0500 (EST)

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Re: A freshman

Damn! You made it difficult to address you:

Dear Mr. Simply Hao! :)

> Walt said that Nodding Head is at 1516 Sansom
> Street.  That should
> be between 15th and 16th Street on Sansom Street
> (below Chestnut
Thats great, thank you very much.

> Street, above Walnut Street).  You can do one of the
> following:
Yes, yes, there are definitely more that one to do it!
:) Thanks a lot. I'm actully in the city, 8th and
Market, I needed to know this to retreat - I take
train to get to work.


Before the accident, I could not even spell UNIX
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