Nicolai Rosen on Mon, 31 Jan 2000 19:55:27 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Multithreaded Perl

It wasn't on my system. Thanks for pointing me to it. As for that
information becoming "drastically obsolete", does that mean that they'll
change everything and break all of my current code, or just change
everything making me wonder why I went through all of the time and trouble
learning it all and making me rewrite all of my code in order to make it
simpler and better/faster?
Oh, and when will 5.6 come out?

On Mon, 31 Jan 2000 wrote:

> > Where can I get a good, thorough treatment of multithreaded programming in 
> > Perl?
> have you seen the `perlthrtut' manual that comes with Perl?
> be forewarned, though, that the threading model is changing
> drastically in perl 5.6, so any or all of this informtation may become
> obsolete.
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