Kevin Falcone on Tue, 29 Feb 2000 00:06:37 -0500 (EST)

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php arrays

For those of us still curious about php arrays, I did the following

Take the following code

    $fruits = array();
    $fruits['apple'] = 'red';
    $fruits['banana'] = 'yellow';
    echo "\$fruits is " . sizeof($fruits) . " elements long<br />";

    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($fruits); $i++) {
        echo "element $i of \$fruits is $fruits[$i] <br />";

    while ($x = each($fruits)) {
        echo "element $x[0] of \$fruits is $x[1] <br />";

Run it, and you get

$fruits is 2 elements long
element 0 of $fruits is 
element 1 of $fruits is 
element apple of $fruits is red 
element banana of $fruits is yellow 

online example and source available at:
example <>
source  <>


Kevin Falcone <>
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