Robert Spier on Tue, 29 Feb 2000 00:33:45 -0500 (EST)

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Re: php arrays

>>>>> "m" == mjd-perl-pm  <> writes:

  >> 2) all keys to arrays are stringified

  m> Not necessarily.  Try using an object as a key, then retrieve it
  m> with the `keys' function, and see if you can still call a method
  m> on it.

    $foo = new someclass;
    $arr[ $foo ] = 'somevalue';


Warning: Illegal index type in /home/rspier/public_html/ar1.php3 on
line 16

    $foo = new someclass;
    $arr[ "$foo" ] = 'somevalue';
    leads to a key with value "Object" (the String "Object")

    Therefore -- I think 2) above is correct, assuming there is a
reasonable string representation.  (So, only strings and numbers can
be used as keys.)


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