mjd-perl-pm on Thu, 2 Mar 2000 21:38:59 -0500 (EST)

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Re: Pseudohashes.

> Pseudohashes are funny little things, but I like them (q.v. the
> perlref manpage in 5.005 if this is all new to you). My issue is
> this: You can read from them like they were hash refs
> (i.e. $phash->{Foo}, @$phash{"Foo", "Bar"}, %$phash, exists, keys,
> values, each, etc.) but you can't _write_ to them the same
> way. Where ordinarily you'd do (with ordinary hash refs): 
> 	%$foo = %$bar

A patch to support precisely this is now in the most recent beta
version of Perl, and the construction will work in 5.6 when 5.6 is

> (Dominus -- is this good fodder for a lightning talk @ YAPC or
> what??) :)

Yes.  Everything is good fodder for a lightning talk.  

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