Adam Turoff on Fri, 3 Mar 2000 21:44:53 -0500 (EST)

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Bezos on 1-click ordering

Jeff Bezos makes the case that 1-click ordering is a complete reframing
of the ecommerce problem away from shopping carts.  In *THAT* sense, 
this was a significant innovation (he says).

He goes on to say that this isn't intended to hobble anyone, in as much
as it's a weapon to stave off attacks from bricks-and-mortar businesses
like Walmart and B&N.

I'm really confused here, because Bezos says:

	Jeff: We aren't going after those developers. There are lots of
	people using 1-click purchasing on their sites whom we aren't
	suing. We're just going after the big guys who are going after
	us, the guys who are not innovating themselves but just copying
	us and working to crush us.

Ummm, if you don't protect a patent, doesn't that invalidate it?  Or
am I thinking about copyrights/trademarks?


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