Chris Spurgeon on Mon, 26 Jun 2000 11:34:56 -0400 (EDT)

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regex question

Hi all....

I have a slew of lines of text like this....

...  just <A HREF="p2.html">click here</A> to <BR>continue  ...
...  we decided to <BR>leave town.<IMG SRC="foo.gif">  ...
...  today. <A HREF="tomorrow.html"<BR>>Tomorrow's agenda</A>  ...
...  <IMG SRC=<BR>"photo44.jpg">  ...
...  when you <A HREF="map.htm">visit the farm</A<BR>> you'll ...

Notice that in the last three lines, <BR> tags appear embedded within 
another HTML tag.  I need a regular expression that will read in each
line, and if the <BR> is within a larger <...> string, the <BR> will be 
removed.  Otherwise, the line will be left alone.

I can't quite pull this off (so far).  Does anyone have a suggestion?

Chris Spurgeon     |  "So much time, little to do."  
WHYY webmaster     |                     -- Stan Laurel   |    |  

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