Simply Hao on Sun, 29 Oct 2000 22:01:55 -0500 (EST)

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pickup line generator

Actually, it was Schwern, not DHA, who wrote the pickup line
generator.  I might need this now that I'm on the rebound....


> From: Michael G Schwern <>
> To:
> Subject: Bone::Easy - All the fun of a singles bar without the
> bar!
> Can't get a date?  Trouble finding just the right pickup line?
> Worry no more!  The Bone-Easy Sex Aquisition Service has been
> ported to Perl!
> Next time you find yourself trolling for that certain someone,
> eloquence is just a command-line utility away!
> Here's a sample of how easy Bone::Easy is:
> $ pickup
> I'll think about you when I tickle my nipples tonight.
> $ pickup
> Let's enjoy the traditional custom in North Dakota of getting a
> hernia.
> $ pickup
> Hold on while I slip into something a little more naked.
> $ pickup
> Caress me, darling, I'm from Iran.
> $ pickup
> Feel my hamster, honeybuns.
> $ pickup
> You know what they say about a gravedigger with broken thighs.
> $ pickup
> I know you get this a lot, but you're breathtaking , like a vision
> of simplicity.
> How could anyone possibly resist?!
>        Bone::Easy - Perl module for generating pickup lines.
>          use Bone::Easy;
>          # I know you get this a lot, but what's a unholy fairy like you
>          # doing in a mosque like this?
>          print pickup, "\n";
>        Generates pickup-lines GUARANTEED to get something thrown
>        in your face.
> -- 
> Michael G Schwern
> Just Another Stupid Consultant                      Perl6 Kwalitee Ashuranse
> But why?  It's such a well designed cesspool of C++ code.  Why wouldn't
> you want to hack mozilla?
>                 -- Ziggy
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