John Kominetz on Tue, 16 Apr 2002 09:24:58 -0400

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Re: Censud

I heard a rumor that the Census would be moving to Philadelphia soon
because of a distinct lack of Belgian Ales in the DC area...

OK, so maybe I am *starting* this rumor, and I claim (as under the
charter) that any message talking about beer is on-topic!

--- wrote:
> > 	There is a young women, I believe a member of the Boston
> > PM, who works fore the Census Bureau. 
> You may be thinking of Lisa Nyman, who works for the census, and gave
> a talk about that at YAPC last year.  As you would expect, she lives
> in Washington, where the Census Bureau is.
> Her email address is
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    • Re: Censud
      • From: Lisa Nyman <>
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