Garick Hamlin on Wed, 26 Jun 2002 13:38:06 -0400

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Re: IPC::Open3 problem...

On Wed, 26 Jun 2002, Kyle R . Burton wrote:

> I'm using IPC::Open3 to exec ssh from a server process.  I have a method
> that starts an ssh 'worker' command on a remote host.  The method runs
> the worker, sends it a simple message to get back a response that 
> indicates that the worker started.  The server then goes on to interact with
> the workers.

If you are using openssh perhaps try -n to prevent ssh from forking into
background and detaching from terminal (on remote side)..

> This works fine when the server starts up.  The server monitors the workers,
> and if one gets disconnected, or terminates, it uses the same function it
> used a start-up time to restart the worker.  The problem is that when the
> server tries to send the initial status request, by writing to the input
> handle returned by the open3, it gets a SIGPIPE.  The status message never
> reaches the worker, so it never sends back it's ack - and the server thinks
> the worker was stillborn so it kills it.

This sounds like writing to a closed fd.  Because child close it or its
dead.  Did you get a pid back?

> This feature is also supposed to be for adding in new workers at run-time,
> which also encounters a SIGPIPE.
> It happens both when starting new workers at run-time, as well as when
> trying to restart a worker that started successfuly when the server 
> originaly started.
> I've checked on the remote box and the worker process does restart.  What
> I can't figure out is why this works at start-up time, but doesn't work
> to restart a worker once the server has been up and running.
hmmm ... maybe ssh isn't working after startup beacuse you've logged out,
and server once had a tty, but now does not, and ssh is behaving
differently.  I would add a few line to you program to fork, close input,
and detach from is tty and see if behavior is differnet.
> Has anyone come across anything similar before?
not really.  I've done this sort of thing, but not exacty.  My final
solution didn't keep persisent "workers" spawned by ssh.  I can't recall
whether I used bi-driectional pipes or not with ssh.  I think I relied
alot on error codes for feedback.   I would have workers started and 
reaped by a server that was always running on and took commands from a
FIFO instead.  I used ssh only to write to that FIFO and queue requests.
BTW, I make sure if you "workers" will get reaped by ssh.  Otherwise you
could end up with lots of dead workers. 

I assume you are being careful with buffering ect ... it doesn't sound
like a buffering problem, becuase I would expect a deadlock not a SIGPIPE.

> > Thanks,
> Kyle

Hope this helps..

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