Eric Roode on Fri, 26 Jul 2002 16:22:16 -0400

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NOT my day in the debugger

I'm completely stumped on this one.

"performance_detail" is a subroutine in a file called "", in 
a directory (relative to the current directory) called "MyxaPlugins".

I run the debugger.  "perl -de0".  This is 5.6.1 under Solaris 8.

I type "use MyxaPlugins::EventDB".  The prompt returns without error.

I type "x defined \&MyxaPlugins::EventDB::performance_detail". It prints:
  0   1
  which is what you'd expect.  The subroutine is defined.

I type "$p = MyxaPlugins::EventDB::performance_detail(undef, 3041)" It 

   Undefined subroutine &MyxaPlugins::EventDB::performance_detail called
   at (eval 48)[/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.6.1/] line 2

I don't get this _at_all_.  Any help?

Eric J. Roode                                    
Senior Software Engineer, Myxa Corporation               +1(610)234-2623
print scalar reverse sort qw p ekca lre reh 
ts uJ p, $/.r, map $_.$", qw e p h tona e;
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