John J Reiser on Sat, 12 Oct 2002 22:18:20 -0400

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Re: for my ...

I've used a similar construct (using foreach) and never had any problem (AS 5.6.1).

I also under the impression that for and foreach are interchangeable, though I can't be 100% sure.

The construct you mentioned should be valid. What error(s) have you been getting?

Hope this helps,

At 09:58 PM 10/12/2002 -0400, you wrote:
I've often used, without problem, the construct

    for my $foo (@bar) {

I once saw a version of perl that wasn't happy with this (5.00x.y, I
think). I saw another today (5.6).

I thought this was supposed to be a perfectly legal and reasonable
thing to do. Am I mistaken or confused? I hate having to say

    my $foo;
    for $foo (@bar) {


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>

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  • References:
    • for my ...
      • From: Jeff Abrahamson <>