Kyle R . Burton on Wed, 30 Oct 2002 10:54:53 -0500

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Re: nslookup question

> 	I'm trying to fix the security problem in to automatically
> configure itself. The fix that is out there checks the passed recipient field
> against an array of acceptable recipients. The problem on an active
> server is the script has to be updated every time a new recipient is added.
> 	The following subroutine is designed to take the recipient email
> address and test to see if the domain name resolves to the IP address
> of the server.
>    my ($Email) = @_;
>    return 0 unless $Email; # Invalid if no passed eamil address
>    ($UserID,$Domain) = split("\@",$Email);
>    $Text = `nslookup $Domain`; # Get the output from nslookup
>    ($Junk,$Junk,$IPaddress) = split("Address: *",$Text);
>    $IPaddress =~ s/\s+$//; # Remove trailing whitespace
>    ($IPaddress eq $ENV{SERVER_ADDR}) ? return 1 : return 0;
> 	It works fine if the domain name is a valid domain name. If
> it isn't the following line of text is displayed.
> *** can't find Non-existent host/domain
> 	What seems to be happening is that nslookup prints once
> if there is a valid domain name and the output is captured in $Text.
> However, it appears to be printing twice for an invalid domain name
> and the second print is not captured. Is there a work around to this
> problem?

I've made attempts in the past to write a cgi from mailer that is robust
against spoofing, and is still flexible in allowing users to specifiy in 
the html file the recipient(s) for the email:

It's approach might help you acheive a solution that doesn't necesarily
have to rely on external services (or at least dns).



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