Mark Jason Dominus on Tue, 25 Feb 2003 14:20:13 -0500

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March 10 dinner meeting: Nice noodle house

Would folks be interested in meeting for dinner at the Nice Noodle
House at 7 PM on Monday, March 10?

The Nice Noodle House has a full menu of Chinese and Vietnamese dishes
as well as noodles and noodle soup.  Many items are quite inexpensive.
Noodle soup is delectable, is a full meal, and costs about $5.  The
restaurant is very highly recommended by the Plover Systems Co. staff
restaurant critic.  Lesser critics agree:

                    A noodle house that is just as nice as its
                    name.... The Chinatown newcomer's food is
                    conspicuously fresh, the service swift, and the
                    background music has a beat you can dance
                    to.... Spartan but neat and, yes, nice.

                             -- Elaine Tait, Philadelphia Inquirer, 11/30/97

                    It's a lively and friendly restaurant with a
                    no-nonsense appearance, specializing in noodle
                    dishes with Chinese-Vietnamese touches. It's
                    become a favorite with the Asian community, so if
                    you adhere to the "trucks in the diner parking
                    lot" theory about exceptional food, Nice Chinese
                    Noodle House is living up to its name.

                            -- Gerald Etter, Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/9/99

Nice Noodle House is located at 11th and Race St. in Chinatown.

I'd like to get a head count, so if you think you would be at least
50% likely to come, please drop a note to

The note needn't say anything.  But if you want more information,
please ask me.

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