Jeff Abrahamson on Wed, 7 May 2003 10:28:05 -0400

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Fwd: Diff talk venue change

Please note that the room number has changed for my talk tonight. It
will be across the street from Rosenberger, in Griffith Hall
A. Griffith is the "main" building at USP, located on the left side of
43rd Street as you walk south from 43rd and Chester. Sometimes the
front doors are locked, but some doors are always open for us.

Up until about 7:30 or so, I will still have my cell phone on:
215/837-2287. If you get lost, feel free to call. It's sometimes
confusing the first time.

Here's the meat of the corrected announcement:

    PLUG  --  The Philadelphia area Linux Users Group

	 Cordially invites you to our next meeting

    Wednesday May 7, 2003   @  The University of the Sciences

		in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

    The topic of this month's meeting is "A compressed summary of diff".
    Our presenter this month is Jeff Abrahamson.

    The meeting will take place from 7PM - 9PM, at:

    University of the Sciences in Philadelphia (USP)
    Griffith Hall A
    600 South 43rd Street
    Philadelphia, PA 19104-4495


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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