Kyle R. Burton on Fri, 30 May 2003 18:34:53 -0400

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locating Perl's header files?

I'm trying to build an extension wrapper using SWIG (we're providing
interfaces for a library in Perl, as well as Java).  For the building
of the Perl wrapper bit, g++ needs to know where Perl's header files
are kept (/usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-multi/CORE on my 

I'd rather not hard-code this into the Makefile, I'd like to ask Perl
for it somehow.  To try to be both version and location independant, if 
possible. I've looked at perldoc Config and it looks promising, as if I 
could just do:

 perl -MConfig -e 'print join(" ",@Config{@ARGV}),"\n";' secret-parameter

My  problem is that I don't see a setting that represents where Perl put 
it's header files when it was installed.

Gtk and other similar libraries have *-config scripts that you can 
ask for viable compiler flags, linker flags, and include and library paths.
Perl has something similar, I'm just missing what that facility is.

Any help will be appreciated.



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