Jeff Abrahamson on Fri, 27 Jun 2003 09:30:34 -0400

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Re: Unload a module?

On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 06:05:04AM -0400, Eric J. Roode wrote:
> I am developing a long-running process that will handle many disparate
> things, so I don't want to shut it down unless absolutely necessary.
> It will use OO modules written by other programmers, which may be in a
> development state.  I would like for my program to detect when any of
> its included modules change, and then re-load that module (and its
> dependencies, if any).
> When I unload and reload, I will not be keeping any data structures
> from the module around, so I don't have to worry about (for example)
> the module's internal state or representation changing -- it will be
> a clean start.

Fork and exec, maybe with a pipe between them, is a very clean way to
do this (if you can). It has other advantages: a bad module (or module
upgrade) can't affect your long-running process.

Mon does it this way, for example.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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