Mark Dominus on Sat, 28 Jun 2003 12:29:15 -0400

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Re: Idea: Crossbreed a source code control system and a wiki

> 2. In general, it seems safer to me to say that 

This was going to say

  2. If complete flexibility is unnattainable, and a choice has to be
     made between a wiki design that will require that certain code
     always be on the same wiki page, and a design that wil require
     that certain code always be on separate pages, then in general,
     the second one seems safer to me.

     You can always put an explanation or link on two separate related
     pages.  But if two entities are required by wiki rules to be on
     the same page, then that means that if the page gets too big and
     confusing, you can't split it up, which seems to me to be one of
     the benefits of using the wiliki` in the first place.

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