David Steuber on Tue, 1 Jul 2003 22:12:01 -0400

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An Interesting Article

I thought you folks might find this of interest:


I hope it isn't old news to all of you.  I found my way here via this


All this came to my attention based on a thread in comp.lang.lisp on the
performance of compiled Lisp code.  The ultimate driving force for me is
how to write complex software in the least amount of time without
sacrificing too much runtime performance.

Anyway, see how you like it.

David Steuber           |  telco:610.436.1677
302 E Marshall St       |  http://www.david-steuber.com/
Apt 612                 |  (do ((a 1 b) (b 1 (+ a b)))
West Chester, PA 19380  |      (nil a) (print a))
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