Jeff Abrahamson on Tue, 16 Sep 2003 05:41:05 -0400

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Re: Moving to Philly

google for the university of pennsyvlania's office of off-campus
living. (I'm logged in from a very small computer on a very slow
connection right now, else I'd look it up for you.) They have a
searchable database that is quite good.


ps: sorry for group reply, this connection makes simple things hard

On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 11:52:18PM -0400, Jason Proctor wrote:
>   [21 lines, 124 words, 718 characters]  Top characters: otnrsil\n
> Hi, folks.
> I'm a random Perl geek who most of you have never heard of that's moving
> to Philly for grad school (Information Science at Drexel) in the next
> couple weeks.  Provided, of course, I can find an inexpensive apartment or
> room (or flat spot where I can sleep without getting stepped on or run
> over) to rent.
> Well, okay, I'm moving there even if I can't find a cheap place to live,
> but it would certainly make things easier.  I don't suppose any of you has
> any leads on such a place, do you?  Want to turn your spare room into a
> little extra cash?  :)
> Thanks.
> j
> -
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 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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