Geoffrey Young on Tue, 30 Sep 2003 09:39:55 -0400 |
hi all... the slides from last night's talk can now be found online links to the articles I was mentioning can be found at my ~user homepage above. I also forgot to mention that a few of my own CPAN modules use Apache-Test - Apache::Clean (which is in the articles), Apache::AuthenHook, Apache::IncludeHook, Apache::AuthDigest - as well as some of my experimental ones linked to from my homepage. so, there are lots of examples to draw from if you are interested in playing with it. lemme see, what else... the header-parsing function eric and I were discussing is in Apache::AuthDigest: use HTTP::Headers::Util qw(split_header_words); the ExtUtils::MakerMaker MY:: overriding stuff can be done this way if you want to alter what MM would have done itself. sub MY::top_targets { my $targets = shift->MM::top_targets(@_); ... } we discussed my mod_perl 2.0 talk as well. it should be finished soon, so I would be able to give it sometime in late october, early november. the rough description can be found here and that's about all I can remember I was supposed to follow up on... --Geoff - **Majordomo list services provided by PANIX <URL:>** **To Unsubscribe, send "unsubscribe phl" to**