Mark Dominus on 10 Oct 2003 19:57:02 -0000 |
> Yes...this is obviously true, but luckily the problem I'm trying to > solve is much smaller. If it is, I missed where you said in what way it is smaller. > I might as well come clean. It's very simple: someone I work with wrote > some Apache::Registry scripts that use the one-arg form of "select" to > write out files on the webserver, but neglected to restore the > originally selected filehandle. So the immediate question was, "What > other scripts are calling select?" OK, so now I need to know: what are you trying to accomplish that isn't accomplished by this: grep 'select' *.pl *.pm ? Or maybe by: perl -nle 'print "$ARGV: $_" if /select \( [^,)]* \)/x' *.pl *.pm That looks for calls to 'select' that have fewer than two arguments. > But I figured, why not try to find something a little more generic? > Basically, something that can tell me which scripts contained references > to, say, Digest::MD5::md5hash? What would be wrong with grep 'md5hash' *.pl *.pm ? What value are we trying to add to this? - **Majordomo list services provided by PANIX <URL:>** **To Unsubscribe, send "unsubscribe phl" to**