Brian McGraw on 9 Dec 2003 09:49:10 -0500

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Perl + Cron to auto-delete IMAP mail?

Hi folks,

Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this,  but I've asked around a bit,  and I'm stumped.  I  need to come up with a script that will delete messages older than "x" days (to clean up mail dumped in a "Spam" folder by SpamAssassin).  I'm using UW-IMAP,  so all messages in a given folder are really contained within one file.  Are there any modules that you can think of that are able to read an IMAP folder,  and delete/expunge messages based on date?  I've found IMAP::Admin,  and Net::IMAP,  but they connect you to your IMAP server, over TCP. I need to run this locally,  for all users on the box (meaning I need to find something that doesn't require authentication).  Any ideas?

Thanks for any help,

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